But not because of this.
Movie Theaters Will Fry Us All with Infrared to Stop Pirates
Fry us all? Oh, please.
Sharp, at the request of Japan’s National Institute of Informatics, has developed a method to ruin the camcorder footage shot by pirates in movie theaters. By placing mega IR lights behind the screen (which are invisible to the human eye, of course), the light can tunnel through tiny holes that are already in screens for the passage of sound.
CCDs are sensitive to IR, which is why there is usually a filter in place (unless you remove it). But the filter isn’t perfect, so adding more IR should screw up the picture. Until someone figures out that they can put another (perhaps better) IR filter on the lens. Oh, crap, did I say that out loud?
Bonus picture (I know Matt did this already, but I finally had my camera at a place with an electric stove). The burner was still black to the naked eye when this image was recorded.