In the 80s music videos link from the other day I noticed the unsurprising absence of BLOTTO, a favorite Albany (NY)-based band from my high school/ college days (along with Fear of Strangers, aka The Units). So I went and looked for them on YouTube.
I must protest what I found.
This has to be the worse attempt at striking gold in the 80’s punk rock scene.
Punk? Dude, Blotto was not punk. They were a campy spoof-music band. Worst music video ever? Please.
I Wanna Be A Lifeguard
And I was there when they filmed the live footage. (I’m pretty sure I know one of the people visible in the crowd shot at 2:37, though she has kids now and is taking the fifth.)
Metalhead is after the jump. Sarge would always bite the head off of something during the song.
Strange sensation’s coming over me
Something I can’t explain
Suddenly there’s an endless void where I used to keep my brain
I gotta see a doctor, but I’m too wasted to phone one
Wanna customize my van and I don’t even own one