Lorentz perpendicular action experiment
I have proposed an experiment design Lorentz torque to get precise data of magnetic force to compare with predictions by the two laws. Now, I propose a simpler but more impressive experiment which is a visual demonstration of the inconsistency of the Lorentz force law and whose result can be shown by video. Figure 1 shows the setup. A small rectangular coil abcd, called the test coil, is placed at the center of a long rectangular coil ABCD, called the inducing coil. The test coil is free to turn about its long axle. The current I in ABCD induces a magnetic field B which exerts a Lorentz force on the current i of the test coil and makes it tilt.
Please read the article at
Lorentz perpendicular action experiment
or http://www.academia.edu/2237784/Lorentz_perpendicular_action_experiment