Let Me Focus for You

What Good Is The Lytro Light-Field Camera?

The fundamental problem for a light-field revolution, though, is that focus is not the limiting factor for most photographers. Fixing focus issues doesn’t add much to a photographer’s tool kit. Light sensitivity, magnification, dynamic range, stabilization, resolution- these are all areas where technological improvements solve immediate hurdles for different genres of photography. Focusing? Not so much.

Um, really? Focusing is not the limiting factor? I think that the author is not looking from the proper perspective. It may not be an issue for a professional photographer or even the accomplished amateur, but the point-and-shoot crowd probably has issue with autofocus grabbing the wrong target, ruining the shot, or the delay from it making you miss it. And this is a product for that crowd.

The included example is quite interesting, allowing you to focus on the fore-, mid- or background, which changes the emphasis of the photo.

One thought on “Let Me Focus for You

  1. Indeed. Using a long focal length and a large aperture for macro work, you get a very tight depth of field. It can be hard to get the focussing right. Lets say insects, you have to be quick, as they tend to move too…

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