2 thoughts on “More on the Subject of Roaches

  1. Welcome to Fr. Guido Sarducci’s Ten Minute University. We teach you everything you will remember about your field of study after five years.

    Intelligence is successfully solving a problem RIGHT NOW. Imagination is intelligence having fun. The bell curve’s middle hump is middling good at being valuable. The right dribble is ecstasy. Seven billion people fill a planet tolerating two billion at US/European/Chinese urban standards. We are desperate to identify and amplify prodigies.

    Rather than foster brilliance we allocate for its suppression. The best 0.1% means 99.9% are dross. Diversity is admission for reason of disqualification. Diamonds surface in kimberlite and lamproite, one ppm wt-wt being fat and sassy. One ppm risked is better than zero guaranteed. (Class… what percentage is 1 ppm?)

    Department of Education schooling is useless, kills inspiration and curiosity, is mind-numbingly tedious, makes no connections to anything, and is forgotten immediately after the test. Management kills the future, for the only trusted employee is one whose sole marketable asset is loyalty. The future is PERT charted in DSM V.

    Corrupt Beltway lobotomites to the ignorance and arrogance of social engineering, God save us from the congenitally inconsequential. The PhD candidate who ran things from a lofty perch but could not score on a low level standardized test is an abusive hegemony of beige. The Severely and Profoundly Gifted are crushed, to mediocrities’ vast relief.

    We are sooo fucked.

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