Is it Time for the Hanke-Henry?

Is It Time to Overhaul the Calendar?

Their proposed calendar overhaul — largely unprecedented in the 430 years since Pope Gregory XIII instituted the Gregorian calendar we still use today — would divvy out months and weeks so that every calendar date would always fall on the same day of the week. Christmas, for example, would forever come on a Sunday.

“The calendar I’m advocating isn’t nearly as accurate” as the Gregorian calendar, said Richard Henry, an astrophysicist at Johns Hopkins who has been pushing for calendar reform for years. “But it’s far more convenient.”

In keeping with Betteridge’s law, I think the answer is “no”. The objections noted at the end are enough, but inertia is probably enough. The US can’t even get the metric system in place, and there’s a strong passive-aggressive streak of opposing changes that the government tries to instigate. This is also something that a majority of the world would have to adopt, in order to force everyone to do so. I think you need more than streamlining calendar printing/software.