Are We Really That Surprised?

U.S. State Science Standards Are “Mediocre to Awful”

“A majority of the states’ standards remain mediocre to awful,” write the authors of the report. Only one state, California, plus the District of Columbia, earned straight A’s. Indiana, Massachusetts, South Carolina and Virginia each scored an A-, and a band of states in and around the northwest, including Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Nebraska, scored F’s. (For any New Yorkers reading this, our standards earned a respectable B+, plus the honor of having “some of the most elegant writing of any science standards document”).

2 thoughts on “Are We Really That Surprised?

  1. So, the Senate is going to take us down from an A- to an F-? I hate my Creationist legislative body.

  2. Based that Scientific American article, I would have to say that even the grading standards that show California at an “A” level show the effects of inflation. I would flunk all of them.

    I am afraid that the people who write standards meet only a very low standard themselves. I suspect that any salvation comes at the level of individual students and teachers.

    This is just pitiful. I suspect that the root problem lies in Colleges of Education and the low standards for education of teachers in our universities.

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