More, and in some depth, on the Pauli Exclusion kerfuffle. (I was on the road all day yesterday and got in late, so I am not really caught up with … life, so only time for this quick note.) Please go read it.
Much more interesting to me is getting the physics right.
Amen to that. If my snarky headline/commentary got in the way, I apologize for that.
The Big Bang was a quantum event. Assemble a Sun-orbiting hella-large microwave mirror to image it. Observation collapses wavefunction superposition into a determined quantity. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox eliminates time versus distance delays. For a few times the cost of the 2012 US presidential election, we could instantaneously end the entire universe’s evolution. Every coin flipped by Schrödinger’s cat would have a determined outcome.
Given the 2012 US presidential election, not only is this laudable – it is cheap at 10X the price. It matters not in which direction the mirror points. Pick a quiet spot for good signal to noise re Olber’s paradox. Two well-separated hella-large microwave mirrors interferometrically linked would be much better. Call it “Operation Genesis” and solicit charitable donations.