Here Now the Neutrinews

Neutrinos not faster than photons — the lab results have come back and they were juicing, so they’ve been stripped of their title. Sean Carroll has included a graph of the results, in Superluminal Neutrinos are so 2011, which shows that the new ICARUS results are statistically well-separated from the OPERA data.

A few other summaries-

Neutrinos not faster than light

This Time, ICARUS Really DOES Refute OPERA

This is the way it works in science all the time. A first experiment makes a claim that they see a striking and surprising effect. A second experiment tries to verify the effect and instead shows no sign of it. It’s commonplace.

One thought on “Here Now the Neutrinews

  1. The interesting result is the pile of theory posted in arXive that “proved” FTL neutrinos were possible, necsssary, unavoidable. When theory can prove anything it demands, observation must prune and weed.

    The whole of physics is tied to the Equivalence Principle: all local bodies vacuum free fall along identical (parallel-displaced and same rate) minimum action trajectories. Composition, field, and spin make no difference to at least 14 signficant figures – bench top Eotvos experiment, Earth-moon falling around the sun Nordtvedt effect, pulsar-solar star and pulsar-white dwarf binaries. There are no black swans.

    Theory only looks inward. Test spacetime geometry with opposite shoes (chiral atomic mass distributions). Does an Eotvos experiment opposing single crystal test masss of left-handed versus right-handed gamma-glycine or alpha-quartz have a net non-zero output?

    There is no reason vacuum symmetries toward massless boson photons are rigorously identical to those toward massed fermions (leptons, quarks). If the vacuum is trace anisotropic toward mass, Noether’s theorems trace non-conserve angular momentum. MOND’s Milgorm acceleration is natural and universal; dark matter is uncreated. A 90-day Eotvos experiment is much faster and cheaper that kilograms of fractional kelvin years-long experiments. Huge swaths of physics have no empirical validation because they are slightly wrong (in a wrong way).

    One might imagine Sisyphus would engage some chocks.

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