Straight Though the Heart

The “Ballistic” Story

There’s nothing physically blocking the atoms from flying right through the channel– in fact, an atom that enters the channel will always exit the other side without slowing down along the way. This is termed “ballistic,” a term that will always have a special place in my heart thanks to an incident at my Ph.D. defense.

One thought on “Straight Though the Heart

  1. The Chicago teacher strike educates us that performance standards measure nothing but abilites to accurately complete set tasks. This is bigotry! Heteronormatism problematizes homosocial othering. Heinous tool of racial discrimination algebra is the preferential treatment of numeric results over alphabetic inputs.
    “The implementation of gender neutral restrooms on campus…”

    “Ballistic” is sexist. It must either be accompanied by statistically equal (70% or greater) prevalence of “ovarystic,” or by the non-discriminatory “eunuchst.”

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