The Old Man is Snoring

xkcd’s what if: What if a rainstorm dropped all of its water in a single giant drop?

If you were floating in the center of this sphere during this episode, you wouldn’t have felt anything unusual up until now. It’d be pretty dark in the middle, but if you had enough time (and lung capacity) to swim a few hundred meters out toward the edge, you’d be able to make out the dim glow of daylight.

As the raindrop approached the ground, the buildup of air resistance would lead to an increase in pressure that would make your ears pop. But seconds later, when the water contacted the surface, you’d be crushed to death—the shock would briefly create pressures exceeding those at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

One thought on “The Old Man is Snoring

  1. So, like, you know, um, the Pentagon is moving a lot of distilled water into Afghanistan? Now it is a matter of levity – but then it always was, wasn’t it?

    Low bid – seawater!

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