Pick a Peck of Pockets

A Pickpocket’s Tale

He is probably best known for an encounter with Jimmy Carter’s Secret Service detail in 2001. While Carter was at dinner, Robbins struck up a conversation with several of his Secret Service men. Within a few minutes, he had emptied the agents’ pockets of pretty much everything but their guns. Robbins brandished a copy of Carter’s itinerary, and when an agent snatched it back he said, “You don’t have the authorization to see that!” When the agent felt for his badge, Robbins produced it and handed it back. Then he turned to the head of the detail and handed him his watch, his badge, and the keys to the Carter motorcade.

One thought on “Pick a Peck of Pockets

  1. Thanks. Enjoyed that. Hope this is previously unseen by you, and you enjoy it. as a thank you for talk like a Physicist Day (Hope I actually pull off the link. Computer lliterate)


    This was never worked out. Some codewords pc dubious, now. I found it interesting.

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