Plancking is Still a Big Thing

What The Entire Universe Is Made Of, Thanks to Planck!

[T]his picture is far more exquisite than any that came before. In the early 1990s, the COBE satellite gave us the first precision, all-sky map of the cosmic microwave background, down to a resolution of about 7 degrees. About a decade ago, WMAP managed to get that down to about half-a-degree resolution.

But Planck? Planck is so sensitive that the limits to what it can see aren’t set by instruments, but by the fundamental astrophysics of the Universe itself! In other words, it will be impossible to ever take better pictures of this stage of the Universe than Planck has already taken.

Planck being an ESA satellite mission to measure the cosmic microwave background differences down to a resolution of a few parts per million.