The Dark Side of Cat Juggling

Cat-turning: the 19th-century scientific cat-dropping craze!

One thing I’ve learn from studying the history of science is that scientists are human beings. Often incredibly weird, weird human beings. For example: in the mid-to-late-1800s, an exciting era in which the foundations of electromagnetic theory were set and the electromagnetic nature of light was discovered, a number of the greatest minds in physics were also preoccupied with a rather different problem.

Dropping cats.

One thought on “The Dark Side of Cat Juggling

  1. 1) Drop a Manx as the moment-arm, er, -tail control.
    2) Drop a cat in Vomit Comet free fall. Is the baseline eyes or inner ears?
    3) Strap a picee of buttered toast butter side up to cat’s belly, and drop it. Star drive!
    The Physics Teacher 34(5) 288 (1996)
    Scientific American 273(6) 104 (1995)
    European Journal of Physics 16(4) 172 (1995)

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