0 thoughts on “Quiz Time!

  1. “Hawking effect”, pff, it’s Hawking radiation!

    Whilst the name Zeeman rang a bell, I don’t think I had heard that before.

    Haven’t heard of 9 or 10.

    Still, an interesting list! Can anyone think of any to add? Double slit experi and Cerenkov radiation comes to mind initially. Ah, there seems to be a list in the discussion in the link, including a link to a Wiki page that lists effects:
    although that’s hundreds of them, far from a Top 10 list.

  2. Number 9 and 10 were the ones that I hadn’t heard of, but I suspect anyone not in astrophysics or high-energy physics would be in the same boat.

    As far as effects that people haven’t heard of, I can add a classical optics effect: correlation-induced spectral changes. Emil Wolf and Daniel James showed in the 1980s that light scattering off of a time-dependent, fluctuating medium can, if the conditions are right, result in Doppler-like shifts in the light’s spectrum.