One thought on “What's a Little Snow, Compared to This?

  1. Low Earth orbit speeds are near 5 miles/second for a 90 minute orbital period. Muzzle velocity of an M16 rifle is 0.606 miles/sec with muzzle energy 1310 ft-lb.

    Send a tonne of 1/4″ diameter cobalt-cemented tungsten carbide pellets looped around the moon and back into low Earth counter-orbit. Vector to International Space Station Freedom FUBAR Space Hole One Alpha and gently pop the package to impact at 10 miles/sec relative. Density of 17.5 g/cm^3 gives an ISS FUBAR impact of 224,000 ft-lbs/pellet and 425,000 pellets. Tungsten carbide has Mohs hardness 8.5 and boils at 6000 C. The sun’s surface radiates at 5500 C. Consider the possibilities for re-entry over a rock consert.

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