Like the Corners of My Mind

Things I remember

I remember about 75% of those things. Not quite old enough for the iceman or not having indoor plumbing, but I remember having four channels of black & white TV (6, 10 and 13, plus PBS on 17) and adjusting rabbit ears to get better reception.

Other things I remember
Church keys for opening cans, and there was no such thing as a twist-off bottle cap
– later, pop-top tabs that weren’t attached to the can
78 RPM (though I never bought one) and 45 and 33 records, and putting a coin on the tonearm
Reel-to-reel tapes
Green stamps at the grocery store
Single-use flash bulb (blue) on a camera
Adding water to a car battery
Using a typewriter with a ribbon on a spool
Vacuum-tube electronics
Using a card catalog in the library

One thought on “Like the Corners of My Mind

  1. I can add a few

    Calculator batteries that lasted for only a few hours (LEDS)
    Flash cubes for camera (four bulbs in a single plastic case, they rotated after every shot)
    Adjusting the points on my car’s distributor
    Adjusting the jets on the collaborator
    TV repair men who came to the house with a van full of tubes.
    phones that actually rang (had a real bell inside)

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