
The Pope did his tour through town today, right past work (which he had to, since he’s staying across the street) so I joined the other poperazzi to get a look and a picture or two. Right as the motorcade swings into view, crazylady in front of me unfurls a big flag and starts waving it, intermittently blocking my view (That’s her arm on the left; I’ve cropped the flag out) so I didn’t see him at perigee.


That’s freshly-paved road, there (local road improvements correlate strongly with important visits and presidential funerals). Traffic is partially blocked on Mass Ave, affecting things, and prospects are even better for tomorrow, since the three presidential candidates are supposed to meet with the British Prime Minister at the British embassy, which is also our neighbor. (our version of “Who are the people in your neighborhood” is longer on ambassadors and attachés than bakers and teachers)

0 thoughts on “Popespotting

  1. I didn’t realize unti this morning while watching the news that his car was actually called the ‘pope-mobile’.