What About the Other Half?

Poll: How many millions are in a trillion?

I’m not sure which is worse: that only a fifth of the respondents knew the answer, or that two-thirds thought they knew, and were wrong.

This report presents the findings of a telephone survey conducted among a national probability sample of 1,001 adults comprising 501 men and 500 women 18 years of age and older, living in private households in the continental United States.

3 thoughts on “What About the Other Half?

  1. The question as asked is wrong. It says “How many times ‘larger’ than a million is a trillion?” The correct answer to the question asked is 999,999, which isn’t one of the options.

  2. In many countries 10^9 is a milliard, 10^12 is a billion, 10^15 is a billiard, 10^18 is a trillion.

  3. The question is fine — it asks how many times larger, not how much larger. And the poll was in the US, so the different nomenclature abroad is moot.

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