Beauty, eh? What, you don’t remember Bob and Doug McKenzie? Beer roulette?
OK, how about a nice little story of “why I do physics” (short answer: because physics (especially atomic physics) is frikkin’ cool, and we like learning) from a member of Joseph Thywissen’s cold atoms group at U. Toronto. Physics is beauty
Physics is worth knowing because it is beautiful. It is the hidden secret of the scientist. We may claim to be researching some topic or other because it is “useful to society” or it will revolutionize some technology but, more often than not, we are simply fascinated by some small detail about how the world works and we can’t stop thinking about it until we understand it better. We are constantly astounded by the way a few basic principles work together to explain so many different things, and sit in wonder and awe at the beauty of the world. Like an artist, I want to share this beauty with others. I want them to know what it is to see through my eyes.
Via ZapperZ