The Vast Wasteland, Even Bigger

My TV died last night, right in the middle of The Daily Show (the 8:00 repeat). One minute Jon Stewart was there, the next, he wasn’t. I’m not lamenting the loss of the TV all that much — it was a mediocre set I got 5 years ago (I had to check my receipts; it seemed more recent, but it was June of ’04) when my last set died.

The one thing I have demanded in each TV is that it be bigger than the previous one. The 26″ set I got after I graduated college gave way to a 29″ set purchased in Canada during my years of hiding, to this recently-deceased 32″ set, a cheap transitional CRT TV I got because I could not afford an HD set; plasmas were too expensive and über-large LCDs were in their infancy. Now, I am ready to take the 40″ HD plunge. Right in time for football season.

2 thoughts on “The Vast Wasteland, Even Bigger

  1. I would be interested in hearing the results of any research you do in this area – especially if it can connect to a PC

  2. I chose the SONY Bravia 40″ V5100. On sale, so it was under a kilobuck. It does connect to a PC, according to the instructions.

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