Yes, We Have No Bananas

Bananas are in a bunch of trouble

Panama disease – or Fusarium wilt of banana – is back, and the Cavendish does not appear to be safe from this new strain, which appeared two decades ago in Malaysia, spread slowly at first, but is now moving at a geometrically quicker pace. There is no cure, and nearly every banana scientist says that though Panama disease has yet to hit the banana crops of Latin America, which feed our hemisphere, the question is not if this will happen, but when. Even worse, the malady has the potential to spread to dozens of other banana varieties, including African bananas, the primary source of nutrition for millions of people.

Banana scientist? Can you get an actual degree in “banana science?”

0 thoughts on “Yes, We Have No Bananas

  1. could these be a result of hundreds (if not thousands) of years of breeding the genetic diversity out of our banana crops? Should this serve as a lesson to farmers of all crops everywhere?

  2. Well I’ve never really cared for bananas that much anyway. Banana science sounds awesome though.