Quantifying Doubt

Science as a Religion that Worships Doubt as its God

A rebuttal to the notion that science worships truth.

What science is all about, in contrast, is the quantification of doubt.

I’ve seen this from a sightly different angle. Some people like to say “For all we know, blah, blah, blah,” with the implication that some result or its opposite, or just a complete spectrum of outcomes, are equally likely. And it usually isn’t so — statements like that are from people trying to portray “not being sure” as being the same as “not having a clue.” What science does is limit the uncertainty involved in “for all we know,” and it does this by quantifying it. The answer may not be (for example) exactly 3, but knowing that 5 is right out adds to our knowledge. That’s something that a result of 3 ± 0.1 tells us.