Not Pretty

A doctor tells a man, “You’re fat. Lose some weight.”
The man says, “I want a second opinion.”
“OK, you’re ugly, too.”

According to the International Journal of Obesity, we’re fat because we’re stuffing our faces, and not so much because we’re sitting on our duffs (Ha! Speak for yourself. I’m a double-threat.)

(from the journal)

Conclusion: As physical activity expenditure has not declined over the same period that obesity rates have increased dramatically, and daily energy expenditure of modern man is in line with energy expenditure in wild mammals, it is unlikely that decreased expenditure has fuelled the obesity epidemic.

So if you’re burning just as many (or more) Calories, gaining weight must be from increased intake. Basic physics.

And as for the International Journal of Obesity? From this angle it looks to be a few extra pages thick, if you take my meaning.

0 thoughts on “Not Pretty

  1. Waitasec…that’s a Rodney Dangerfield joke!

    I all of a sudden find it very sad that I recognized that…