It's Kinda Like 'Where's Waldo?'

Volunteers asked to help find dead spacecraft on Mars

HiRISE software developer Guy McArthur, also at the University of Arizona, has invited the public to scan these images for signs of the Mars Polar Lander. It’s a huge challenge because although there are only 18 images, each of them is enormous – typically 1.6 billion pixels.

“If your computer screen is 1000 by 1000, that means you need 1600 screenshots to view one image,” says McEwen. “On the HiRISE team, we haven’t put much effort into looking for this – we’re too busy with other things.”

h/t to CD

0 thoughts on “It's Kinda Like 'Where's Waldo?'

  1. The images need not be searched, only their discontinuities. A suitable transform and filter would discard more than 50% of the area without any human intervention. Porn images are auto-correlated the same way. Porn invariably contains large areas of uniform or shallow gradient luminosity with little detail. You don’t need to view porn to recognize it.