Infrared is Soooo Tasty

Researchers use infrared cameras to determine taste quality of Japanese beef

At a taste testing held by the two Gifu institutes on Jan. 29th, twenty-four nutritionists, livestock industry experts, and consumers were asked to rank two samples of super high-quality Hida-gyu, boiled quickly in a Japanese hotpot, on ten points, according to the Yomiuri. Of the twenty-four participates, fourteen gave a better ranking to the samples that were determined to have higher levels of Oleic acid by the researchers’ infrared camera technique. One of the institutes’ lead researchers, Tomoyuki Tanaka, told reporters, “I want to improve the accuracy.”

One thought on “Infrared is Soooo Tasty

  1. There were two samples and twenty-four tasters resulting in a fourteen/ten split in their preference. I would hope that the lead researcher woild want to improve the accuracy since this is basically a random result.

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