The Word Salad is a Perq

Oh, I found you a new job

Unfortunately, nobody can possibly be qualified to do it. Ultimatonic field patterning instruments, WTF?

Ultimatons, for the uninitiated (which included me up to five minutes before writing this:

Ultimatons are the energy particles which make up the electrons, the PRIME physical units of material existence (472:1); Ultimatons aggregate into electrons. (475:1)

Ultimatons do not whirl about in circuits within electrons, but they CLUSTER, – or spread, in accordance with their AXIAL REVOLUTIONARY VELOCITIES, which determines:

a. The differential electronic dimensions
b. The NEGATIVE or POSITIVE reactions of the several types of electronic units
The entire SEGREGATION AND GROUPING of electronic matter, RESULT from these various functions of the COMPONENT ULTIMATONIC INTERASSOCIATION

Ah, all becomes clear. The woo runs deep in this one, Obi-Wan.

One thought on “The Word Salad is a Perq

  1. Ultimatons? Feh, and too many syllables. Try a “q” not followed by a “u”. SUSY world salad, “q” up, there you are – Aqions, sleqtons. Something from a Greek obscenity.

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