Snowmageddapocalypse 2010

Snowmageddon, aka the Snowpocalypse, has moved intothe recovery phase. I got about 2 feet of snow, but further north and in the hilly regions, they got more. 40″ in some areas (i.e. more than a meter)

My car. It’s not a minivan.


I learned my lesson from the snowstorm in December and parked on the opposite row of the lot. The way they plow, the snow gets dumped on one side of the plow, and they don’t get as close to the cars. The people opposite me have 4 – 5 feet behind their cars, and it’s piled up, while I have no more than 2 feet. I dug out one gap between me and my neighbor yesterday, and will do a few shifts to complete the dig-out today. There’s always a little game of chicken in these situations — if you wait, your neighbor will dig out first and save you some effort. But they may also be assholes and dump snow in your cleared area, too. I was a good citizen and deposited the snow on the grassy knoll at the front of my car.