Bad Sex

Saw this in an infographic (I was just looking, really).

prostitution info

Wait, what? The number of men + women arrested doesn’t add up to 100%? Is there a third gender, called “customers?” Or, all customers are hermaphrodites?

2 thoughts on “Bad Sex

  1. I’m guessing “Customers” here means men OR women PAYING for sex. “Women” and “Men” refer to the SELLERS.

  2. My dad actually was on the vice squad many, many years ago. The reason the numbers aren’t equal is because they usually set up stings rather than trying to catch a transaction being done. Men cops pretend to be “buyers” and women cops pretend to be “sellers”, and they arrest those who take the bait. There’s usually a lot more men cops, so more “bait takers” are women looking to sell.

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