The Device That Goes 'Ping!'

Why wood bats ‘crack’ and metal bats ‘ping’ and much more. Physics and Acoustics of Baseball and Softball Bats

There is a tremendous amount of physics and engineering that goes into the design of a baseball or softball bat, especially the new high-tech aluminum and composite bats which are currently dominating the market. There is also an amazing amount of physics involved in the bat-ball collision, and in the performance and behavior of the bat itself. My interest in the physics of baseball bats began in 1998 when I was setting up a laboratory experiment for my students and decided to have them look at the vibrational behavior of a youth baseball bat. Now, several years later, vibrational and acoustic analysis of softball and baseball bats has become my primary area of research. I have been able to correlate the vibrational frequencies of bat barrels to measured performance, and have signicantly contributed to an understanding of the trampoline effect in a hollow bat. In addition, my vibrational analysis of the bending modes of a bat has added to the understanding of perception and feel, including why some bats sting more or less than others.

tip o’ the baseball cap to Skye