Why I Am Majoring in Physics

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The green option was not available before 1977, of course. Not sure what all of the alternatives were then, but mine was partly that I wanted to be Barney from Mission: Impossible. (The TV show, which had no association whatsoever with Tom Cruise)

2 thoughts on “Why I Am Majoring in Physics

  1. I echo your sentiments both about Barney and about Mission: Impossible the movie bearing no relationship, beyond the name and the names of a couple of characters, to the TV show. The TV show wouldn’t work today, far too few chases and explosions. Even shows tangentially related to physics and shown on ostensibly science-based networks (e.g., Mythbusters on Discovery Channel) are explosion-based.

    As an aside, I must say I enjoyed Mythbusters for quite a while and I still enjoy Rhett’s analyses of their content at Dot Physics, but lately they have truly been reaching to find new “Myths” to bust.

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