Cap and Trade

The Virtuosi: My Pepsi* Challenge

The basement of the Physics building has a Pepsi machine. Over the course of two semesters Alemi and I have deposited roughly the equivalent of the GDP of, say, Monaco to this very same Pepsi machine (see left, with most of Landau and Lifshitz to scale). It just so happens that Pepsi is now having a contest, called “Caps for Caps,” in which it is possible to win a baseball hat. There are several nice things about this contest. Firstly, I drink a lot of soda. Secondly, I like baseball hats. So far so good. Lastly (and most important for this post), is that it is fairly straightforward to calculate the statistics of winning (or at least simulate them).

On the surface this is a lesson in basic statistics and simulations. But the other lesson here is that physics graduate students have been conditioned to not value their time paricularly highly.