The Future Has Arrived

News from Uncertain Principles. Futurebaby is now in the past tense, and is now Steelykid.

Belated congratulations to Chad and Kate, the proud parents. I’m expecting big things for my Silver Warriors (I’m class of 1980), from whatever sports teams she’s on in 15 years.

(Of course this loses meaning if it was a c-section, but what the heck)

If anybody needs a dose of cute, there are baby pics

Meet SteelyKid, Babies Are Bosons, FutureBaby Betting Pool Winner

(I was visiting family this past week, and all of my small cousins were pretty much terrified of me. I was crushed. No turning kids upside-down or tickling, or if things are going well, both at once. And certainly no splunks — our term for blowing a raspberry on the belly.)