If You Build It, They Will Come

Cities play hardball to host biodefence lab

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) disregarded the advice of carefully selected experts to put a Flora, Mississippi, site on the shortlist of candidates, the Associated Press said Monday.
Now, other applicants are crying foul. “It is very suspicious,” said Irwin Goldman, whose Madison, Wisconsin, site failed to make the cut. State representative Marti Crow (D) of Leavenworth, Kansas, was angry that Flora’s score of 81 beat out Leavenworth’s 92 for a spot on the shortlist.

Wait, what? Biodefence lab? Mississippi? Kansas? How about a rule that any state that’s recently tried to derail the teaching of evolution or promote creationism/intelligent design doesn’t get a frikkin’ federally-funded biology lab in their state.

0 thoughts on “If You Build It, They Will Come

  1. Can they have a faith-based frikkin’ federally-funded biology lab in their state? If so, do not live downwind re 1979 Sverdlovsk or celebrate Trofim Lysenko Day (29 September).

    “If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can’t it get us out?”