Experts are Called "Experts" for a Reason

Don’t Listen to the Newspapers

Presented in terms of the climate “debate,” but the thrust is true in general.

97.6% of publishing climatologists, 100% of studies in scientific journals, and every scientific organization in the world now agree that humans are changing the climate.

Compare this to the media coverage of climate change. The majority of articles in respected newspapers like The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal give roughly equal time to the “two sides” of the so-called “scientific debate”. Balance in journalism is all very well when the issue is one of political or social nature, but for matters of science, giving fringe opinions the same weight as a robust consensus is misleading. Being objective is not always the same as being neutral.

(emphasis added, just because)

One thought on “Experts are Called "Experts" for a Reason

  1. don’t forget, reality has a liberal bias.

    i want to see many more newspaper articles highlighting the controversy of flat earth versus oblate spheroid.

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