Happy Arbitrary Calendar Event

Let us celebrate the return to an arbitrarily chosen starting point in the orbit about our gravitational enslaver.

3 thoughts on “Happy Arbitrary Calendar Event

  1. I don’t know if enslaver is the right word. The relationship seems to be rather beneficial to us, as I don’t think we’d want to go careening off into the galaxy…

  2. A sphere cannot be covered in hair (unless all normal to the surface) without there being two singularities. Worry not about New Years, worry about finding the other one.

  3. my thoughts exactly. I have a nice analogue watch with a really laud “ticking”sound. that sounds helps keep me rooted in sanity, by always reminding me the consistent constant march of time. Arbitrary points on a calendar mean nothing to time. what we call day 251 of 360, time calls a day or day 1 of 360.

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