Doctor Obvious Goes to a Frat Party

Uncertain Principles: One in Three College Students Is Coasting. This Is News?

So, for all the splashy headlines, I really don’t see a lot here to be distressed about. A third of our students are coasting, but a third of our students have always been coasting, and will always be coasting. And if you think about it, around a third of all the people we interact with are probably coasting. That’s the way the world works, and academia is not exempt.

One thought on “Doctor Obvious Goes to a Frat Party

  1. There are those who work in the middle and those who watch them work, bottom and top. In free equlibrium the bottom starves and a thin top froth delightedly floats. Jackbooted State compassion has positive-feedback expanded the bottom without limit. The top, centrally $trillion protected against its own dysfunctional criminality by sharing both flavors of pelf, has expanded in kind.

    Those who are chained to the oars are guaranteed to drown if things go poorly. Even the giant sweating SOB pounding the drum has a flotation device. The good news is that we will be in Sryacuse by sundown. The bad news is that the captain wants to water ski.

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