This isn't The Onion?

Oh, wait. It’s just the time-honored (sorry, honoured) tradition of writing a headline that has the opposite implication than the actual story.

Call for creationism in science

Professor Michael Reiss says that if pupils have strongly-held beliefs about creationism these should be explored.

Rather than dismissing creationism as a “misconception”, he says it should be seen as a cultural “world view”.

Teachers should take the time to explain why creationism had no scientific basis, Prof Reiss said.
He stressed that the topic should not be taught as science.

Yeah, I can see how summing that up should be worded as a call for teaching creationism.

0 thoughts on “This isn't The Onion?

  1. The Onion might actually live up to its claim of being America’s Finest News Source.After all, half the time it’s no less accurate,and all of the time it’s much more entertaining. And even if fake news isn’t always your thing, hopefully you can at least appreciate the satire and social commentary.


    Blaze Infotech

  2. Apparently there were quotes in other publications which implied his position was more in agreement with the “let’s teach creationism” position, and things became quite muddled as to his intent. But yes, politics, politics…