Voting in the US presidential election? Can’t make up your mind? Match-o-Matic II
Choose which quote you agree with most on several topics, and find out which candidate is your dream date ideological match.
Or take my strategy of maximizing the number of holidays I will get from presidential funerals.
Since every president eventually dies once and once only, your long run funeral-maximising strategy is surely just to maximise presidential turnover. Dying in office is fairly rare so I don’t think age is the prime consideration. With no incumbent running, I would suggest that you should therefore vote for the candidate least likely to be re-elected for a second term and therefore for the one most likely to run the country badly. If there is a candidate in contention so bad that they might be impeached before completing a first term then that’s even better, especially if they’re running with an unre-electable pick for VP.
I get vacation if they die later, too, and I will retire someday, so they would need to die before then. Age matters. You’re maximizing the number of days off I will get, not you. Don’t be selfish!
Actually, I’m in the UK where we have a system known as hereditary monarchy which minimises turnover of heads of state. Noone here has had a day off for a head of state’s funeral since 1952. (We did have an ex-king die in 1972 but I don’t think he was popular enough to get us a holiday.) Your observations make an additional argument for republicanism which has perhaps not had the attention it deserves.