Tough Love

American workers got what they deserved

To make matters worse, you’re again being played for a chump. The same puppets who did nothing while your standard of living decreased are now using the oldest gimmick in the book — jealousy — to continue their assault on American workers. Rather than protect Americans’ jobs, they deflect your attention through jealousy.

“Cut the pay of government workers,” they cry. “Increase their health premiums. Decrease their pensions. Break their unions. After all, you’ve suffered so they should suffer too.” And in your misery, you buy their argument while more jobs head oversees. Pretty stupid, eh?

2 thoughts on “Tough Love

  1. Thanks for posting the link to Ray’s article. In Wisconsin I have watched friendships dissolve over this jealousy. It is sad to see people turn against each other when they are in fact on the same side and want the same things, for our families, for each other as people.

  2. That’s true, Scotchlady….I actually had to tell a friend that she was being selfish…’s tough being in WI right now….many state workers have had furlough days cut from checks the same month the new pay cuts will go through….depending on action of court/DA.

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