Run For it, Marty!

Oh, my God, they found me, I don’t know how, but they found me

I must have zigged when I should have zagged, for I was tagged to do another iteration of the business-y survey that led to my rant-o-rama some time ago. The unholy marriage of business and military jargon. Damn Libyans. Why couldn’t they have been happy with the shoddy bomb casing full of old used pinball machine parts I gave them?

So don’t ask me how we monitor and continuously improve the agility of our key processes for supporting our value creation processes, for I am liable to snap.

The irony is that we’ve been getting more “one size fits all” protocols handed down to us that make us less “agile.” The assessment was a bad fit to begin with (it seems geared toward an assembly line type of business), and my grades went down because of inflexibility that was thrust upon us.