Nudge, Nudge. You've, Y'know, Done it …

What’s it like?

This is what it’s like to be shot at with an AK-47

Trent Kimball, CEO of Texas Armoring Corporation (TAC), was tired of customers asking if his company’s bullet-resistant glass in its armored cars actually resisted bullets. So he did what any reasonable CEO would do: he asked his employee to shoot at him with an AK-47. It’s loud, scary, dangerous, and completely awesome.

One thought on “Nudge, Nudge. You've, Y'know, Done it …

  1. Semi-awesome. When you care to send the very best… the caliber is also available with steel or carbide inserts. Off the shelf, 12 ga shotgun smooth bore lead (e.g., Foster) deer slugs. Upscale to a rifled barrel and sabot copper-jacketed slugs. Slugs can also have armor-piercing inserts or be sub-caliber sabot steel, etc. You can engineer against failure but not against innovation.
    Choose your weapons for the situation and your ammo for the target. Then, aim.

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