0 thoughts on “Saving Bletchley Park

  1. The £330 000 English Heritage money is a great first step towards saving BP, but loads more funding needs to be found. You can help with this by talking to friends/colleagues etc. about it and forwarding the URL for my campaign blog which gives a lot more details of everything plus has a link to the petition and the online donation URL.

    We must save BP. The work that went on there shortened WWII by 2 years, thus saving a possible 22 million(!) lives. It is also the birthplace of the modern computer. The National Museum of Computing is there with loads of really interesting machines and peripherals.

    Most people don’t realise how fundamental its contribution was because everything has been kept so secret for so many years. There are many, many people who still have not told anyone of their involvement, several thousand people worked there everyday on long shifts around the clock for years. It was so secretive that they often did not know what the people in the next hut were doing. There are loads of fascinating stories to be heard.

    My blog is here:


    Please help to save BP.

