The Greenwich Time Lady

The Greenwich Time Lady

Ruth Belville sold time. Each day she would set her watch by the Greenwich clock in London and then charge a fee for the privilege of looking at her watch.

Add “time” to that list of socialist things that people take for granted.

2 thoughts on “The Greenwich Time Lady

  1. Brilliant! The IRS must copyright tax rates and instructions then sell them to users. As with California Commuter Lanes, there will be an upward sliding scale of prices depending on current rate of access. Wait until April and you could pay $thousands for the privilege of paying $thousands. Steal somebody else’ purchased right to know and be fined into penury. Have Microsoft run security.

    Washington could rapidly, painlessly retire the national by making every aspect of life a sliding scale fee, with serious fines if not paid. Only those who abused the privilege of survival – or were not illegal aliens, privileged minorities, handicapped, or over the age of 70 – would be dunned.

  2. Getting the right time was always a bit of a trick. In Amelia Edwards’ “900 Days Up The Nile”, she remarks that everyone in the party had different times on their watches because there was no tower clock or church bells for them to synchronize by.

    However, my favorite multiple time zone story is:


    10/20/08 – The Thirteenth Stroke of the Crazy Clock

    We don’t set our clocks back an hour for nearly another two weeks, but we’ve been reading up on daylight saving time anyway. From the 1950 World Almanac on the Ups and Downs of Daylight Saving Time (p535):

    “In 1949, Grand Central Terminal Station in New York City, used by more passengers than any other railroad station in the country, adopted two sets of summer time. The New York Central adhered to eastern standard time. The New Haven changed to daylight saving time. While trains departed on their regular schedules, they were apparently an hour apart. To accomodate travelers, all clocks were furnished with an extra hour-hand.”

    It has to be true. I read it in the World Almanac.

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