The Main Event of the Evening: Reflection vs. Fluorescence

Cool Things You Can Do With a Blue Laser: Reflection vs. Fluorescence

[W]hat is going on here? This isn’t just reflection, this is something else. How do I know? If it were just reflection, the only color would be green (same as the incident light). This is an example of fluorescence. Basically, in fluorescence, the light doesn’t just oscillate the electrons. The light excites the electrons to a higher energy level.

One thought on “The Main Event of the Evening: Reflection vs. Fluorescence

  1. A blue laser in olive oil is a weaponized Red Death laser! Portugal, Greece, Italy, Spain… Eurozone PIIGS are after us! Homeland Severity must confiscate every extra virgin terrorist or we are doomed as nation.

    Hey buddy…, would you like to buy some Canadian olive oil harvested in Athabasca?

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