The Candy Kingdom

Rating the Halloween candy

The Candy Hierarchy Anew (Halloween Experiment Debriefing ’08)

(caramel, chewy, oh my classy)
Caramellos — Milky Way — Snickers — Rolos* — Twix

Going back three decades or so to how I would rate things: Rolos and Twix do not appear near the top of my list; I rate Kit-Kat higher than Twix. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups were in the top tier, along with the caramel/fudge cubes. Milky Way rates slightly below Snickers. I don’t see Mr. Goodbar listed — that goes in the post-tertiary level. I drop Junior Mints waaay down; in my youth I could not abide what mint did to the taste of chocolate. Smarties, OTOH (or in the other hand) were not bottom-tier.

0 thoughts on “The Candy Kingdom

  1. Thank goodness there are others who know that peanut butter and chocolate go together while mint and chocolate do not.