Faraday’s Law Paradox
5 October 2012
Faraday’s law defines how a varying magnetic field creates electric field. For the potential to be nonzero, EF must be nonzero. However, if we look at the electric field inside the conductor, it is not so. According to an electrostatic law, the force on the free electron must be zero; otherwise, the distribution of free electrons will change so that the electric field on the free electron becomes zero. On the surface, the electric field Es must be perpendicular to the surface. Considering such electric field in conductor, the potential between the point A and D is zero.
How can free electrons stay still against nonzero EMF? And how can EMF exist when the electric field on all free electrons is zero or perpendicular to the surface? No explanation exists now. So, there is a conflict between Faraday’s law and the electrostatic law. I call this conflict the Faraday’s law Paradox. Faraday’s law is the last major law of the electromagnetic theory to fall.
Please read the article at
Look up the ‘skin effect’ for radio frequency conductors
and you will find part of your answer.
The case that I treat is in direct current.
Erratum: I forgot to precise an important condition in “Faraday’s law paradox”: the wire is cut between A and D and there is not current flowing in the wire. This is why the free electrons must stay still. I have corrected this error.