
Today is 11/11/11, which is what I like to call line-segment day (or possibly numeral integrity day*) but which is also Veteran’s day in the US (it can be two things!). Here’s a page displaying time from the USNO master clock in the various US/North American timezones; it’s in YY/MM/DD format (though you can’t determine that today) and also has the master clock UTC output so you can observe the further alignments of 11:11:11, in case that’s your bag, baby.

*no crooked numbers

One thought on “Elemonylemonylemon

  1. Is there a name for the internet phenomenon of using urls/naming servers with apt historical names? I note that the web address for the USNO master clock starts tycho.usno and this is not that uncommon – I just think it is cool in a very small and understated way that the time was taken to be a bit different and interesting

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