Rube-y Goldberg Tuesday, Girls Edition

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Yeah it’s an ad but I like the sentiment. However, I can’t help but notice that the packaging and toy components shown at the end is kinda … pink.

2 thoughts on “Rube-y Goldberg Tuesday, Girls Edition

  1. There is nothing wrong with a feminine engineer that competence in the noun cannot justify in the adjective. Ditto masculine engineers. We will soon complete socially eliminating competence for being discrimination, everybody then being entitled without prejudice.

    When that happy happy day arrives, boil water before drinking it – if you can find a competent engineer to start a fire, provide a pot, and supply the water.


    The women went through the same physically grueling exercises as the male Marines, including carry 90 pounds of combat gear on a 12.5-mile march” Somebody should be engineering those backpacks – then personally hump the loaded replacement on a 20 klick march. When a soldier negotiating a super-nematic twist full color liquid crystal display 3-D prismatic screen is whacked in the head by a native with a tree branch, who has the better weapon? And the smaller carbon footprint, too.

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