A Møøse Once Bit my Sister

We apologise for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible have been sacked.

Crunks 2009: The Year in Media Errors and Corrections

We reached a strange milestone this year when CNN fact checked a comedy sketch from Saturday Night Live

Which I already knew, via The Daily Show

There was one correction related to a story to which I had linked (from another source, and which is now a dead link)

Bear sighting: An item in the National Briefing in Sunday’s Section A said a bear wandered into a grocery story in Hayward, Wis., on Friday and headed for the beer cooler. It was Thursday.

I really like this one:

This article was amended on Tuesday 20 January 2009. In our entry on Garrison Keillor’s Lake Wobegon Days, we referred to a Prairie Ho Companion; we meant a Prairie Home Companion. This has been corrected.

Ah, Lake Woebegone, where every Ho is above average.